Last night at Jeff Ubois's Digerati Dinner at Delancey Street restaurant in San Francisco -- a monthly event that brings together nerds, entrepreneurs, and media wonks -- the talk focused on blogs and search engines, technologies du jour, or du soir, as the case is with nerds.
Might I drop some names? Mac heads who've moved onto broadband and browsers were there like Marc Canter, grandfather of Macromedia (he skipped a generation) and Pete Hirshberg, a mover and shaker at the original Apple Computer who works on lots of "stuff" and divides his life between NYC and SF. Tom Abate, a tech reporter for the SF Chronicle who recently started a blog at Pete came with Doc Searls, who said he was doing something with Kim Polese's open source company SpikeSource.
So the girls started talking, and Elisa Camahort, who calls herself "Queen Bee" and runs a marketing consultancy, said she'd like to do a BlogGIRLcon for women who blog, and Mary Hodder the blogger wants to participate, and we all know of topics that focus on why women blog and how they blog and what they hope to achieve from blogging that might be a notch different from why, what, and how most guys blog.
Not that we are endorsing the Larry Summers notion of inbred gendrification, but it seems that for cultural rather than biological reasons, girls do a different kind of blog.
So look out for BlogGIRLcon coming soon, probably at the Hillside Club in Berkeley, and let us know if you have some discussion topic ideas. Men are welcome, of course.